by NationalBible | Sep 12, 2017 | featured
This is a shout out to all the first responders who heroically braved the recent hurricane in Florida. I am very prejudiced toward cops, fireman, EMTs and the other services that risk their lives every day for you and me. Full disclosure here. My brother was a NYC cop...
by NationalBible | Sep 6, 2017 | featured
In 1620, the Pilgrims had not seen rain for three months. Their crops were failing. William Bradford, their governor, proclaimed a fast. They fasted and prayed and that night it rained, saving them from possible starvation. In 1775, the Continental Congress of the...
by NationalBible | Sep 1, 2017 | featured
I read today about a small town in Texas that is inundated with flooding from Harvey. Thousands of people in town have lost their homes. The town is isolated, making it quite difficult for emergency responders to get to. But these townspeople have not let that deter...
by NationalBible | Aug 25, 2017 | featured
This morning I read a very disturbing article by Derek Lam, a Christian student studying theology in Hong Kong. He is a Democratic activist who has been targeted by the Chinese government. He and his friends are facing prison time for their stated beliefs and peaceful...