by NationalBible | Jul 7, 2017 | featured
Tim Keller, the wonderful pastor and Bible teacher has said, “You are only as strong as your weakest child.” As the parent of adult children, I could not agree with him more. I have the delight of having six children (4 are adults). I know that this is not...
by NationalBible | Jun 28, 2017 | featured
Watching your parents age and having to become their caregiver is difficult but an eventuality for many of us. I faced the possibility of this with apprehension. Well, it has happened to me and do you know what? I feel honored to do it. My mom has dementia. She will...
by NationalBible | Jun 21, 2017 | featured
I love to go to a beach on Long Island called Montauk Point. It is where Peter Benchley got the idea for the book which became the Spielberg movie, ”Jaws”. A boat captain caught a Great white shark that weighed 4500 lbs. about 20 miles off of Montauk. Don’t worry!...
by NationalBible | Jun 14, 2017 | featured
My 14 year old daughter is a talented singer, dancer, actress and comedian/impersonator. The problem is she has had a serious case of stage fright. Her mother and I have talked regularly with her about overcoming this fear since she was probably about eight. We have...