Hurricane Harvey and Compassion

I read today about a small town in Texas that is inundated with flooding from Harvey. Thousands of people in town have lost their homes. The town is isolated, making it quite difficult for emergency responders to get to. But these townspeople have not let that deter...

Chinese Christians and Communist China

This morning I read a very disturbing article by Derek Lam, a Christian student studying theology in Hong Kong. He is a Democratic activist who has been targeted by the Chinese government. He and his friends are facing prison time for their stated beliefs and peaceful...
The Solar Eclipse

The Solar Eclipse

America has eclipse fever! Today is the day! You can’t buy a pair of viewing glasses anywhere. Everybody is talking about the eclipse. One guy said to me, “They should have declared a national holiday today because nobody is going to be working.” It’s great that this...
Racism and Antisemitism in America

Racism and Antisemitism in America

My family and I lived in Germany for almost two years from 1999-2001. Being Jewish, I was very sensitive to how Germans viewed their horrific past under Hitler and Nazism. I love and admire the German people. I must tell you that they are remorseful and have done much...
Camp Letters

Camp Letters

My son and his sister are away at camp. My daughter writes regularly and has beautiful handwriting. My son, on the other hand (pardon the pun), borders on the hieroglyphics end of the hand writing spectrum. He told me the day before he left for camp, I assume to...