A Buck In Velvet

A Buck In Velvet

Recently, I returned from a business trip to Colorado. Coming to work the next day was to say the least, interesting. Before I went to the plane in Denver, early in the morning, I hiked up to about 9,000 feet in the Rockies. As I was driving away from the trail, a...
An Everything Bagel

An Everything Bagel

Yesterday, my son and his wonderful family came over. Over breakfast, I was asking everyone what kind of bagel that they wanted. My son said, I want an “Everything Bagel”. My four-year old grandson questioned him, “You want all of the bagels?” His four-year old mind...
My Lost Sheep

My Lost Sheep

Tim Keller, the wonderful pastor and Bible teacher has said, “You are only as strong as your weakest child.” As the parent of adult children, I could not agree with him more. I have the delight of having six children (4 are adults). I know that this is not...

My Mom

Watching your parents age and having to become their caregiver is difficult but an eventuality for many of us. I faced the possibility of this with apprehension. Well, it has happened to me and do you know what? I feel honored to do it. My mom has dementia. She will...

Father’s Day

I love to go to a beach on Long Island called Montauk Point. It is where Peter Benchley got the idea for the book which became the Spielberg movie, ”Jaws”. A boat captain caught a Great white shark that weighed 4500 lbs. about 20 miles off of Montauk. Don’t worry!...