Some Days Don’t Go As Well As Planned

Some Days Don’t Go As Well As Planned

Have you ever heard the expression, ”Bad things happen in three’s.”? Actually, I put little stock in this statement because I really do believe that God has absolute control in my life. But if the expression has any truth to it than today I have fulfilled it! It’s...
The Powerful Bible

The Powerful Bible

During the Civil War, on July 4th, 1864, a delegation of free African Americans from Baltimore went to Washington, DC and presented a beautiful Bible to President Abraham Lincoln in appreciation of what he was doing to emancipate the slaves. The words of the Reverend...

My Puppy

I am an older dad and it is hilarious! I am 65 years old and my youngest is 11. He is a trip to behold from my vantage point. It’s like watching a Golden retriever puppy rampaging through your house. Their destruction is inadvertent as they cut a path like a tornado...
Sacrificial Love

Sacrificial Love

My son is married to a wonderful woman. Her mom just found out that she has terminal brain cancer at age 62. She is the mother of four wonderful grown children who are each married. Her youngest son’s wife just lost her dad in a house fire a month ago. She was...
The Pilgrims and the Bible

The Pilgrims and the Bible

“Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia” These are some of the words of the Mayflower Compact, signed by the 41 Pilgrim...